OvR works to not only raise funds but also to increase people’s understanding of the causes of poverty through periodic Public Service Announcements.
Change Their Story! 2020
The “Change Their Story!” campaign, launched at the American International Film Festival (AIFF), aims to highlight the importance for all children of access to quality early education and to provide the necessary funds to provide books to preschool children.
“Pay it Forward” Campaign 2017-2020
Pay it forward! Send CARTE via SMS to 8844! was aired on Romanian TV stations to raise awareness about the importance of reading to young children.
“Day by Day in Preschool” 2016
This national TV & radio campaign encouraged poor parents to send their children to kindergarten every day and notified them of the FCG national program. It featured children who had participated in the FCG pilot program.
“Without education, dreams vanish” 2015
Narrated by Marcel Iures and endorsed by Cătălin Măruță on ProTV’s ‘La Măruță’show, this campaign emphasized the importance of education for the future of Romania.
Fiecare Copil în Grădiniță – “Direct pentru Copii” 2014
This video shows the need for the “Fiecare Copil in Gradinita” program in one community – and the impact of the program in another village — just four kilometers away.
“Fiecare Copil în Grădiniță” 2012
The 2012 campaigns emphasized children’s need for early education. The SMS campaign was presented by renowned actor Marcel Iures and popular singer CRBL, with TV and radio spots.
13 Reasons to Believe 2011
Marcel Iures narrated this video about the first 13 communities to adopt the Fiecare Copil în Grădiniță incentive program.
“Școala te face mare” 2010
OvidiuRo’s second series of public service announcements were launched to encourage poor parents to send their children to school from an early age. Award winning film director Cristian Mungiu directed the four spots that featured Horia Brenciu, Andreea Esca, Margareta Paslaru, and Ethan Hawke.
“Școala te face mare” 2009
The first campaign was launched to make citizens aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding their children’s education. The PSAs featured public figures Damian Draghici, Andreea Marin, Daniel Bittman, Cabral Ibacka and OvR program graduate Narcisa Cumpana.