OvidiuRo: Teacher Training

training Maria

Over the past two decades we have learned that providing materials without training teachers in how to maximize their use – or conversely, training teachers without providing them with adequate quality materials- severely limits the ultimate impact! But combining teacher training, quality resources, and the development of a community of committed teachers results in major advances in disadvantaged children’s readiness for primary school – all under the big umbrella of the Agency for Early Education.

Because “continuous improvement” is one of OvidiuRo’s basic training tenets, we always stress the importance of frequent communication. The pandemic led us to adapt all our projects to comply with the new and frequently changing national health protocols. Thus, OvidiuRo’s training sessions moved online in May 2020 and attracted 2000 teachers, librarians, social workers and even priests, who subsequently became “reading ambassadors” in poor communities. Most importantly, they continued to communicate among themselves. They built a network to share teaching methods and to support one another during that especially challenging time. Now, in-person sessions again provide valuable interactions, but OvidiuRo also takes full advantage of online opportunities for trainings, talks with authors and illustrators, and readings in classrooms.

Topics covered in trainings include: techniques for reading aloud to children and fundamentals of literacy acquisition, remedial activities for children with learning gaps, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) activities, basic Montessori principles, and activities inspired by the performing arts to develop children’s creativity, imagination and critical thinking.

In Summer 2022, trainings were once again in person!