Blog Archives

June 19-29: Training Opportunity for Teachers in Poor Communities

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It is a well-known fact that cognitive stimulation in the first five years of life is closely linked to school and professional success. That’s why it’s so important for our poorest children to also have access to quality early education! And of course quality programs require highly qualified, committed teachers with good teaching tools”. Maria […]

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June: OvidiuRo offers 20 grants for new kindergarten groups in poor communities

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Local teams in poor communities can apply until July 1st for one of the 20 grants – each worth 2,500 Eur – made available by OvidiuRo for the creation of new kindergarten groups for the 2017-2018 school-year.   The Hai la grădiniță! grants are open exclusively to disadvantaged communities. OvidiuRo invited over 400 such communities to apply. 50,000 Euro are […]

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Leslie Hawke: Two Decades of Change (interview)

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Alex Fund and OvidiuRo co-founder Leslie Hawke gave an interview to the Romania Insider website earlier this year. Her answers shed light onto the motivation for supporting early education in poor rural Romania and OvidiuRo’s role. Why the decision to withdraw from the daily activity of OvidiuRo and leave Romania? What factors played into it? Maria Gheorghiu […]

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October 2016: “Pofta de carte” National Read-Aloud Caravan Begins

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10,000 disadvantaged children will receive their own picture books to take home and 1000 kindergarten teachers will get “Big Books” Asociația OvidiuRo announces the start of the school-year long Read-Aloud Caravan “Pofta de carte”. The project is designed to raise awareness of the importance of reading aloud and also of a healthy nutrition for young children […]

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September 2016: Book Donation by Romanian Post

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On September 2016, The Romanian post company “Poşta Română” launched a book donation campaign benefitting children from the pilot FCG program in Gura Șuții, Dâmbovița.  The Campaign’s call to action – “Donate a book for the kids who need one” was communicated among “Poșta Română” employees and during the “Strada de C’Arte” Festival and book fair, between September 21 – 25. More info […]

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September, 2016: FCG Summer Caravan in a nutshell

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September 2016 – For two months, OvidiuRo’s team has roamed the country in search for nearly 100 of Romania’s poorest communities in 15 counties.  The Summer FCG Caravan meant field trips to the most destitute communities recommended by county authorities, door-to-door recruitment of preschool children, Read Aloud sessions in kindergartens and in communities, providing poor parents with […]

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Pro TV: OvidiuRo provides glasses for the poorest children of Romania

For the poorest children of Romania that need glasses, like Adriana (5 years old, video), a visit to the doctor’s office could mean spending the family’s monthly income. Therefore the parents can’t afford to take them to be examined and the issues only get worse. All over the country, hundreds of kids have medical problems that remain untreated.

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