SMS Campaign 2012
Asociația OvidiuRo has launched its first SMS campaign to help disadvantaged children go to “gradinita”. Last year 1.400 children in 12 counties got the chance last year to learn things which their parents, most of them uneducated, could not teach them through Fiecare Copil în Grădiniță.
In the TV and radio spots renowned actor Marcel Iures and popular singer CRBL explain that:
Impoverished children are deprived of quality early education
Consequently, they never catch up in school…
The human brain develops most in the first five years of life…
And yet, Romania spends more to keep a man in prison for one month than it costs to send a child to preschool for one year.
Today’s uneducated children are tomorrow’s unemployed adults.
If you don’t believe in wasting human potential …Send a 2 € SMS to 8860.
2012 Public Awareness Campaign
In March 2012 OvidiuRo launched the third year of a by-annual public awareness campaign. With the slogan “Every child in kindergarten is everyone’s responsibility”, the campaign emphasizes children’s need for education from age 3. In this campaign we are partners with Policy Center for Roma and Minorities.
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2010 Public Awareness Campaign
In May 2010, the second phase of “Scoala te face mare” was launched, emphasizing the importance of early education for all children, and encouraging poor parents to send their children to kindergarten so they get a good start in school.
Award-winning filmmaker Cristian Mungiu directed the four TV spots: In one TV spot, Horia Brenciu is shown on his bicycle giving a boy a ride to school. In another Andreea Esca picks up a little girl from her home and takes her to kindergarten. Margareta Paslaru teaches a group of children on the street the song she made famous, “Veronica”. Ethan Hawke’s TV spot for the campaign was filmed on a playground in a disadvantaged district of Paris where he was filming at the time.
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2009 Public Awareness Campaign
The “Scoala te face mare” (“School makes you big”) national campaign serves to make citizens aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding education.
The 2009 public service announcements featured well-respected public figures Andreea Marin Banica, Dan Bittman, Dana Deac, Damian Draghici, Cabral Ibacka, as well as program client Narcisa Cumpana. The spots ran several thousand times on 25 TV channels.
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