2013 Progress Report

In the 2012-2013 school year Fiecare Copil in Gradinita has had amazing results:

– 80% (1040) of the 1300 children in FCG attended daily

– 73% of the former FCG children regularly attended clasa pregatitoare and first grade

– 3 county councils (Sibiu, Covasna and Cluj) are eager to expand FCG to all the county’s high-risk children

– 6 teacher assistants and 3 health mediators hired

– 170 children (2-4) and their parents participated in weekly 2-hour sessions to familiarize them with “school”

– 200 local team members worked on a common community goal: getting the poorest children in gradinita

– 1000 indigent parents developed the habit of bringing their children to preschool every day

– 1300 children (3-5) are better prepared to start primary school when they turn 6

– 1500 children (3-14) participated in summer “Health Schools”

Read the 2013 Report to Investors.

2013 Community Reports