Clothes for the kids in Araci & Hetea

Last September, Berlin-based Getty Images photographer Sean Gallup visited the kindergarten in Ponorata in northern Romania on assignment. He created a photo essay that combined shock at the living conditions — with a respect for the people living there — that was unusually trenchant. Click here for the essay.

But what really blew me away was that after he got back to Berlin, he and his daughter Olivia organized a “Clothing Drive” at her school in Berlin for families in Fiecare Copil în Grădiniță. I’ve never known a visitor to do something so lovingly labor-intensive as a follow up to seeing one of our communities. Note: unfortunately, clothes drives from the US don’t work very well because of the difficulty and expense of shipping. LH

Thank you Olivia and Sean!

Watch video of the communities below.

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